Wine O’Clock? I’m Calling Time on Old Habits with Complete Control

Ruari Fairbairns speaks about how his new programme, Complete Control, will Liberate Business Owners by Tackling Compulsive Behaviours to Unlock Self-Driven Success.
The term ‘wine o’clock’ has become a firm part of British culture; it can be found plastered on walls, posters, glassware and clothing across the world, rocking its own merchandise. It’s also an all-too-familiar term in the corporate world, where business leaders – who often have to grapple with stress, burnout, and, in some cases, compulsive behaviours like excessive drinking – find themselves self-medicating for the stress of success with a ‘well-earned tipple’ at this time of day, every day.
As someone who has experienced and witnessed the transformative power of change and regulation, Ruari Fairbairns, entrepreneur and founder of One Year No Beer (OYNB), has introduced ‘Complete Control’. This groundbreaking new coaching programme is designed to unpack the complexities of stress and emotion-related compulsive behaviours, and pave the way for self-driven success.
“I started my journey with entrepreneurship at just 14 years old, but my career really began in London when I was an oil broker at the age of 26. The partying lifestyle that came with it was exhausting, and I started experiencing a number of health problems. When I tried to speak to my boss about wanting to take a break from booze, I was told it would be commercial suicide! The more I drank, the more successful I was at work.
“I certainly wasn’t alone in how I felt; most of my peers also believed that partying was just as important to their overall success as the actual work. So, we were drinking and falling into various compulsive behaviour patterns. And I know this is still the case, one in every 50 people exhibits compulsive behaviours at some point in their lives*, with stress acting as a significant trigger. This means that over one million people in the UK alone – many of whom are entrepreneurs and high-level executives – could be resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms, like alcohol, to navigate the pressures of their professional lives**.
“The numbers become even more worrying when we look at the mental health challenges faced by entrepreneurs. A study by the University of San Francisco found that almost half*** of entrepreneurs have had some form of mental health condition, making them three times more likely to grapple with substance abuse. It’s a harsh reality that can’t be ignored, and it’s a reality that we aim to change with Complete Control.
“For most people in the UK, socialising means drinking. Little did I realise that ‘wine o’clock’, this commonplace ritual in high-pressure office cultures, was a surface-level remedy for more profound issues – my own mental health. It was a cycle of compulsive behaviour that I, like so many others, had fallen into, and it lasted for 15 years.
“But when I eventually took a 90-day break from alcohol, it actually lasted two years, and completely changed my life. I was fitter, faster, healthier, happier, more productive, and was able to grow my business better than I could have imagined; my life and career only got better.
“Complete Control is not just a programme; it’s a scientific and holistic approach to addressing the root causes of compulsive behaviours. Built on the BioPsychoSocial Therapeutic Model, we combine education, individual and group coaching, bio-hacking, hypnosis, and wearable technology to focus on the twelve core drivers of compulsive behaviour, ranging from ego and stress to relationships and habits.
“Our goal is straightforward: to empower people to identify and take control of their relationship with alcohol and, by extension, their lives. In just eight weeks, our members go through a process of self-discovery, uncovering the reasons behind their unhealthy patterns and shifting their mindset. We then help them build a personalised toolkit of techniques and strategies, so they can move from merely surviving to thriving, without relying on stimulants like alcohol as a crutch.
“My wife and co-creator of Complete Control, Jen Fairbairns, always says: “It’s not about simply dealing with drinking habits; it’s about rewriting the narrative of one’s life.” That’s the essence of Complete Control. It’s about transformation, breaking free from the constraints of compulsive behaviours and embracing a life where success is self-driven – not dependent on unhealthy coping mechanisms. We help business owners, leaders and high performers understand why they turn to harmful habits to get through tough times at work, and then we deal with what drives these compulsive behaviours, and equip members with the tools and knowledge they need to regain control.
“We have ambitious plans for Complete Control. To begin with, we’ll be releasing an improved version of the programme in the first quarter of next year. After that, we’re looking to expand to address various other types of compulsive behaviours, like smoking, binge-eating, gambling, and even binge-watching Netflix.
“We want to make a global impact, changing people’s relationships with their compulsive behaviours, and growing our community through a dedicated members’ app. Complete Control is my vision for a world where business leaders are empowered to rewrite their narratives, free from the constraints of compulsive behaviours. It’s a call to action for entrepreneurs and high performers to reclaim control over their habits, foster a ‘take it or leave it’ attitude towards alcohol, and embark on a journey towards the best version of themselves. Together, we can redefine success, one decision at a time.”