Seopa Ltd, the insurtech company behind the CompareNI.com and Quotezone.co.uk price comparison websites, has been recognised with a sixth consecutive Deloitte Best Managed Companies Award at a ceremony in Dublin– making it a Gold Standard Best Managed Company since 2020.
Seopa has over 3 million users across the UK each year, and over 70 employees across two European cities and counting – with 20 staff recruited and onboarded during the pandemic. The pioneering firm was the first in the UK to create an insurance comparison platform for products such as van and bicycle insurance, and now has one of the widest product ranges in the comparison market.
The fast-growing financial aggregator is now Northern Ireland’s largest price comparison website with its brand CompareNI.com, and one of the top six UK brands with Quotezone.co.uk.
This award recognises the success of the experienced Seopa management team and its innovative processes, which are one of the key driving forces behind its ongoing growth. From its robust investments in research and development, building upon state-of-the-art architecture, and recognising the most important resource, their people – Seopa has grown with the excitement of a start-up but the stability of an established company.
Seopa CEO Greg Wilson, Founder of CompareNI.com and Quotezone.co.uk, comments: “We feel very proud to continue to be awarded this important accolade. We have a great team of people and it’s credit to them and our commitment to an innovative work-life culture, that we’re able to deliver exceptional products for our partners and customers.
“We are also fortunate to be in a position to grow this award-winning team, hoping to add over a dozen more staff members to both our branches in Timisoara and here in Belfast before the end of 2022. As we’re nearing completion of this phase in our staff expansion, it gives us the resource needed to boost the business at a crucial time, when people need help in finding ways to make real savings.
“In our latest survey, we asked a sample of 1000 people across the UK about their spending habits, we found nearly half, 42.9%, of people said their bills were over £100 more each month compared to this time last year and a shocking 26.5%, said they were spending more than £250 extra per month. Worryingly, 65% of people said they were unable to add anything to their savings. Whilst we are a business, it’s a priority for us to help people discover savings they didn’t know they had. We help consumers save millions of pounds every year on their household bills and it’s never been as important as it is right now.
“My team and I have created an ever evolving, easy-to-use platform that empowers customers to find better deals, as well as supporting our strategic alliances and partnerships with the latest technology to boost sales and traffic volumes. Although it’s a highly competitive market, we are set apart not only by our expertise and continuous innovation, but by our people, who work tirelessly to deliver a world class product and a superior service to our consumers and business partners alike. Our next phase of expansion will be focussed on increasing our product range, system features and ease of use, building comparison panel coverage, and even exploring geographical reach, in our continuous drive for evolution.”
The Deloitte Best Managed Companies Award recognised superior business performance in Irish and Northern Irish privately owned and managed companies – evaluating the calibre of their management abilities and practices. It is the only awards scheme on the island of Ireland that considers a business’ performance from every perspective.
Now entering its fourteenth year, Ireland’s Best Managed Companies awards programme is led by Deloitte Ireland, in association with Bank of Ireland. The network comprises of 139 companies, with a combined turnover of €8.5 billion – employing a total of 40,000 people.
Seopa is currently engaged in a major recruitment drive to aid its plans for growth.